Hello, today I’m going to explain the final project for the Scripting Language course.
We are going to make the final project of an E-Commerce website for Batik called Pusaka Beruang. The previous front end for our website was made by one of design students in BINUS, Vanessa Lois (1801436215), however, we are also allowed to modify the front end to match with the requirements of the project. Therefore, we made a new front end made by me and Laura with the same content as the previous front end, while Jennie works on the back end for our website. In our project, there are two interfaces: the customer side (the ones we are working on) and the admin side.
Our client name is Pusaka Beruang. The aim for our project is to create an effective E-Commerce website for them to sell their products which are Batik with variations of pattern.
The final project is done by three students:
> Jennie – 1701320932
> Laura – 1701341823
> Me (Santi) – 1701320421
As mentioned above, Jennie works on the Back end of the website, while Me and Laura works on the Front end of the website.
All the design (photos), logo, and contents are all made by Vanessa Lois (1801436215).
Scope of Work
To do the project, me as one of the front end designer created the front end with our own CSS, also changing several HTML codes to suit for PHP. After all the front end done we are combining all of the codes, then connects it with the back end side.
Project Requirement
The requirements that are needed to complete this projects are:
> PHP Framework
We will use Code Igniter for the PHP Framework.
> Navigation Bar
We will put a navigation bar on the website in the form of text or buttons.
> Help & Login Page
We will have the database of admins and users who are allowed to login to the page. Help page will also have the function to support users.
> User Registration Form
User will have to fill the registration form in order to login to the page, which is consist of address, phone number, name.
> Admin Page
Admin page will be used by admin to manage products.
> Shopping Cart
Our website will be able to have a shopping cart with the use of session (not database)
> Database
We will use the database to store the website’s data
> Inventory Table
We will have inventory table in the database that consist of product ID, name, price, description, etc.
> Javascript Functions
Our website will have Javascript functions (at least 2).
> Date Object From the Server
The functions for the CUSTOMERS are:
> Login
> Logout
> Register
> About us / History
> Contact us
> Browse Products
> Browse Products by Category
> Add Products to Shopping Cart
> Edit Customer’s Data (Name, Address, Phone, Email)
> View Current Orders
> View Order History
> View Company Profile
The functions for the ADMINISTRATORS are:
> Login
> Logout
> Add New Products
> Edit Products Detail
> View All Users
> Edit Users
> View Order List
> Verify Customer’s Order
Our project will use PHP Programming language for the back-end with Code Igniter using PHP Storm.
For the front-end we are using CSS, HTML, Javascript and JQuery using Brackets.
While for the database, we will use MYSQL.

The video tutorial is available to watch here.